Thanks to "First Generation" filmmakers, Wells Fargo, and the Lumina Foundation for bringing their profound film to Los Angeles, inviting Kid City, and serving up popcorn and soda for everyone. The entire Kid City posse laughed, cried, and learned as the four students in the film portrayed their same hopes and fears.
As they watched the film they whispered questions, nodded their heads, restated the information in it. The film reaffirmed that we still have a lot of work to do in our communities. But on this night, kids walked away with their heads high, empowered, and with a lot of questions!
“How many years of science and math do I need to take to go to 4 year university?”
— Josh Rodriguez, 7th grade
“I cried out of anger because Ceci and Jess could’ve gone to a four year university! … I know people at PCC who have been there for four years now and they haven’t transferred because they didn’t take the right courses. I honestly don’t wanna be them.”
“I can relate to all the stories. I need to go to a UC.”
And best of all, "We all had the same problems and questions that those kids had, but we have Kid City to help us through, so it's different."