The holidays are about giving, and we kicked off our end of year call for support of our programs with Giving Tuesday, in which we raised over $7,000! Our goal is to raise this to $30,000 by the end of the year. Please consider a generous "Giving December" donation to the Urban Foundation, and help us support youth leaders at Kid City and Seeds of Hope grantees. Your gift provides college access, mentoring, and college completion support to young people who are excelling in community leadership, pursuing academic inquiry, and building community in urban Los Angeles. Thank you!
Your donation can provide:
College mentoring and completion $1,000 per student per year
Job training & Certification $100 per student
Or help us prepare the next group of high seniors for college with a monthly pledge!
Families and students can give too:
Healthy Food for a day! $25 buys nutritious food for hungry teens
Cultivate hope $5 donations add up!
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