First performance of the year at Pasadena First!

TheJazzBand2013_300.jpgIMAGINE NO MALARIA PANCAKE DINNER:  When members of Kid Citys band, the Baked Potatoes, are not taking music lessons or jamming with their peers, they are performing at events. Last month the Baked Potatoes joined forces with the Imagine No Malaria campaign to fight against this deadly disease at Pasadena First United Methodist Church.

Besides eating unlimited pancakes and providing entertainment, the kids pitched in and donated $137 — all their tips. Every $10 raised saves a life — by paying for a bed net to prevent bites from malaria-carrying mosquitos or for medicine to treat someone who is infected.


The Baked Potatoes sure know how to give back! Currently the band is raising funds for a new program van. Please contact us if you would like to hire the band! Repertoire includes Mambo #5, Hit the Road Jack, and other jazz favorites.

For booking contact: [email protected]