Silverlake Wine Tasting and Kid City Benefit

14344204_10210129560857450_1126273650107406987_n.jpgOur friend Lisa Tinker and Urban Foundation director Anne Hawthorne are celebrating their birthdays by organizing a benefit for Kid City at Silverlake Wine! (Thanks to Lisa for arranging all the details.) Tickets are $35 ($15 for the wine tasting + $20 donation to Kid City). And, there will be an opportunity to donate more, of course. :-)

Pay in advance and you'll be eligible for a door prize of a $100 gift certificate to downtown Brazilian restaurant Fogo de Chao. Lisa vouches for Kid City personally, as "a wonderful organization that helps kids in downtown and south Los Angeles get into college, stay in college, and learn job skills and leadership." Check it out here. Please save the date and come help us celebrate and support Kid City!

Payments can be made here on this website, by clicking below. Or, send a check made out to: LA United Methodist Urban Foundation to 714 W. Olympic Blvd., #922, Los Angeles CA, 90015, Attn: Silverlake Wine!

November 06, 2016 at 3:00pm - 6pm
Silverlake Wine
2395 Glendale Blvd
Suite A
Los Angeles, CA 90039
United States
Google map and directions
Ian David Wurfl Kathy Bassett Kleinsteuber Benjamin Garcia Kevin Corbett Laura Cuellar Risa Vargas Nurse Squirrelpants McGraw Katie McGorman Annette Jolie Naomi Leight-Give'on Anne Hawthorne Staci Buckley Dolores Rivera Kelly Vencill Sanchez Laura Briggs Thatcher Elena Ashikhmina Mandy June Turpin Ashley Vu Michele Blackwell Rafael Romero Linda Johnson Bobbi Boston Kristen Keeves Laura Laura Maggie Adams Mary Anne Perez Debra May Frances Nieves Cleveland Alma Catalan

Will you come?

$35.00 per person for Silverlake Wine-tasting
Each ticket includes $20 tax-deductible donation to Kid City

Showing 31 reactions

  • Ian David Wurfl
    rsvped 2016-11-04 21:04:58 -0700
  • Kathy Bassett Kleinsteuber
    rsvped 2016-11-01 21:04:26 -0700
  • Benjamin Garcia
    rsvped 2016-10-31 21:04:07 -0700
  • Kevin Corbett
    rsvped 2016-10-19 21:04:27 -0700
  • Laura Cuellar
    rsvped 2016-10-19 21:04:24 -0700
  • Risa Vargas
    rsvped 2016-10-05 21:04:38 -0700
  • Nurse Squirrelpants McGraw
    rsvped 2016-10-05 21:04:33 -0700
  • Katie McGorman
    rsvped 2016-10-05 21:04:27 -0700
  • Annette Jolie
    rsvped 2016-09-19 21:04:03 -0700
  • Naomi Leight-Give'on
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:45 -0700
  • Anne Hawthorne
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:43 -0700
  • Staci Buckley
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:42 -0700
  • Dolores Rivera
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:40 -0700
  • Kelly Vencill Sanchez
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:39 -0700
  • Laura Briggs Thatcher
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:37 -0700
  • Elena Ashikhmina
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:35 -0700
  • Mandy June Turpin
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:34 -0700
  • Ashley Vu
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:33 -0700
  • Michele Blackwell
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:32 -0700
  • Rafael Romero
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:27 -0700
  • Linda Johnson
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:25 -0700
  • Bobbi Boston
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:24 -0700
  • Kristen Keeves
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:23 -0700
  • Laura Laura
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:21 -0700
  • Maggie Adams
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:20 -0700
  • Mary Anne Perez
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:18 -0700
  • Debra May
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:16 -0700
  • Frances Nieves Cleveland
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:14 -0700
  • Alma Catalan
    rsvped 2016-09-17 21:04:13 -0700
  • Lisa Tinker
    is hosting. 2016-09-17 20:34:39 -0700